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March 17, 2023
2gnoMe: A True Partner in Professional Development
By Troy Lange
Executive Director of Exceptional Student Services
As someone who works with teachers from across the state, I had a unique challenge when it came to professional development. The teachers I serve through an alternative licensure program are entering education on a rolling start via various professional careers and training on the job. Serving their individual needs and keeping track of progress proved difficult. Many of our teachers are employed in rural areas where access to quality professional development is limited. We needed a digital delivery system that was individualized, efficient, accessible, and affordable for all.
The Platform I Was Looking For
Previous to using 2gnoMe, I kept track of our teachers' progress via google drive. This became increasingly unmanageable as our program grew. We needed a more effective way to organize information for large amounts of people with unique backgrounds.
I saw immediately how 2gnoMe would solve this problem. With this platform, we now have the ability to pull up our roster and instantly see where each teacher is in their personalized program. When it comes time to check in, we can quickly view the percentage of required learning each teacher has to complete, as their entire learning plan is right up front. I am now better able to serve our teachers since I can meet them exactly where they are. But it’s not just an organizational game changer, our teachers are more engaged as well.
Personalized Programming
Many candidates in our rural areas had no access to specialized instructors or the newest thinking and trends. Through the 2gnoMe platform these candidates can pick and choose from a variety of free and vetted programming. Teachers in rural districts are now provided with relevant resources, leveling the playing field for all.
2gnoMe is really catered to the adult learner, as it is based on their own time, learning style, and urgency. Our teachers appreciate the design, the “one stop shopping” aspect, and the numerous ways for them to accomplish their goals. It gives them choice and power about how to approach their own leaning.
When working towards certification, teachers need not worry about losing track of all the little pieces of information. They are now provided with transcript evidence, and a portfolio feature allows upload of any certificates from outside training.
The personalization extends beyond educators to school and district levels. A district might leverage their professional development with expert presenters and provide a combination digital and live programming. The customization possible within the platform is one of its greatest assets.
Outstanding Flexibility
It doesn’t matter what kind of content or delivery of learning activity, you can manage all of it through the 2gnoMe platform. There are opportunities to crowdsource, share resources to add to the 2gnoMe “shell,” and build out your own program. We can design pre, post, and midterm assessments that help us provide personalized recommendations for learning. It is quite easy to port users over to it and add content. Being able to build out scope and sequence and actual learning activities homegrown within the 2gnoMe environment is invaluable.
The launch experience exceeded my expectations the whole way. Their response to our needs, feedback, and recommendations make it a true partnership. In the two years we’ve been using this platform, it has grown immeasurably due to this kind of engagement. Through onboarding and customization, they have been an incredible thought partner.
Our challenges were unique, but what we receive from 2gnoMe is incredibly flexible and transferable to any professional development program.