"Meaningful, Personalized, Professional Learning"
Teacher's review
Identify Skill Gaps
Enhance skills awareness aligned to any framework or set of standards. Teachers get to reflect about their teaching practice and our approach triangulates between self-perception, actual practice, and how others see your practice in the real world.
Personalize Learning
The system uses diagnostic data and your input to tether all relevant elements around every teacher, at scale. These elements can include content, coaching, PLCs, portfolio, credits, etc. - everything - and they can come from 2gnoMe partners, from you, or both.
Measure Impact of PD
First, 2gnoMe enables leaders to shape and personalize learning resources for their teachers into a continuous competency-based experience. Second, the system measures learning effectiveness on teachers' practice, retention and student outcomes.
Measure PD Quality
Get rare feedback from teachers on the relevancy and value learning resources. System helps separate effective PD resources from wasteful activities.
Credits & CEUs
Recognize and reward teachers for their learning. You can create your own rules around PD credits or integrate with existing evaluation system or platform.
Increase Fidelity
Use higher-quality resources better organized around an underlying framework, making aligned resources more actionable to individual participants.
Digital Portfolios
Individual workspaces to share resources, collaborate with other educators and upload learning materials for PD credits.
Activity Transcript
A secure real-time journal of the learning activity and PD credits. Easy to share when teachers transfer between districts.
Crowdsource for PD
Get teachers and stakeholders to suggest high-quality resources, organized around your learning framework.
PLCs and Coaching
Add any other / existing resources, PLCs, mentorship, coaching and CEUs. Bring all teachers and their PD in one place to create meaningful and personalized learning experiences for every teacher based on individual strengths and areas of need and mixamim agency for professtional growth.
Use data to identify and empower your internal skill leaders and match them with first-year teachers to personalize support to new teachers during their first years of teaching.
Before & After
Re-assess based on the same framework to visualize individual progress, and let the system measure the impact of the learning activity - in terms of practice and retention.
Featured Videos
Short videos about the platform.
About 2gnoMe
2-minute introduction about how the platform works.
Personalized Learning for Teachers
2-minute use case with teachers.
ISTE Solution Demo
Platform demo from teachers' and from admin points of view. 5 minutes.