Peer Reviews
Most peer reviews ask employees to write out strengths, weaknesses and goals for the year. Then key managers respond, and it all ends with a conversation.

But what if you could do more? What if you could quantify where a person excels and where they could improve? What if these insights could be shared with a person in a way that fosters personal and professional growth?

2gnōME’s platform makes that possible. In our approach, people rate themselves on a particular skill or quality. Then they answer a series of questions designed to measure how effective they actually are. Combined, these create a 180° baseline.

The same questions are answered anonymously by peers about a person. The results show how people perceive their performance, and how others do too. With this 360° approach, you have a safe way to shine a spotlight on reality and enable growth. 

Quantifiable metrics allow you to set goals.
Questionnaire is designed by you
Customization lets you build exactly the evaluations you want for your culture. No generic questions that don’t apply to your organization.
Results can be compared
Results can be compared to existing employees to see which candidates fit your culture and skill needs the best
Quantifiable metrics make it easy
Quantifiable metrics make it easy to compare:
- candidate claims with references' perceptions - candidate to candidate - candidate to work environment/skill needs
Flexible platform
Flexible platform accessible by multiple web portals, so candidates have no trouble answering questions, and you have no problems reading results
Sample Hiring Process
Step 1: Employee Rates Skill
Overall, how would you rate your leadership skill?
  • a. Extremely High
  • b. Very High
  • c. Somewhat High
  • d. Somewhat Low
  • e. Extremely Low
Let’s say Leadership is an important quality in your organization. First, each employee is asked to directly rate their skill:
Step 2: Employee answers specific questions that test the skill
Then, team members are asked our skill assessment questions. For leadership, a sample question (one of several) might be:
You see an opportunity to change things for the better. You...
  • a. jump at the chance.
  • b. get intrigued but want to think about it.
  • c. mention it to someone you think might take the lead.
  • d. wish someone would act on it.
  • e. figure you are stuck with the status quo.
Step 3: Peers confidentially answer the same questions about the employee
Now those same questions are put to your employee’s team members and direct supervisor. What do they think he or she would do? Peers answer anonymously, so they can be honest. In the leadership example above, let's say employee name is Mary, a question to her work peers might be:
Mary sees an opportunity to change things for the better. She...
  • a. jumps at the chance.
  • b. gets intrigued but wants to think about it.
  • c. mentions it to someone she thinks might take the lead.
  • d. wishes someone would act on it.
  • e. figures she is stuck with the status quo.
Step 4: Aggregate numbers generated and evaluated
With everyone’s answers, you can see if the employee’s evaluation of the skill matches his or her execution. If he or she answered “Very Strong” to our sample question on leadership strength, do his or her answers to the specific leadership tests bear that out? Do his or her peers agree?

You get information on the employee’s self-perception, his or her actual performance, and how he or she is seen by other members of the team, including the supervisor. And it’s all in an easily understandable rubric that allows you to reward or coach as needed.

Plus, you can customize the questions to exact on-the-job situations in your unique work environment, so you can really see how someone’s performance matches your expectations and culture.
Quantifiable metrics about your talent to recognize and reward excellence.